Sunday, October 23, 2011

Stop and restart...

The last time I posted here was Jan 2010....It's been more than a year since I've updated this blog. I kind of miss it. I can't really remember why I stopped posting here.

I looked at it awhile ago, and I thought, where did all those happy smiles on my banner go?
They seem to have disappeared. Vanished into thin air. But I guess I was younger at that time. Happier at that time. More positive at that time.

When I smile nowadays, it's a different smile. Older somehow. Amazing how a smile can change over the years. But I want to make it a point to smile. And make it a point to stop worrying about things that are out of my power. I want to bring that smile back. The one that makes me and everyone around me feel like a million bucks.

But the question now

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