Sunday, April 5, 2009

..exams are over!!

Manangement and oragnisational behaviour paper - totally sucked..
Business information technology management paper - ok la
Introduction to Financial accounting paper - MY ACCOUNTS FINALLY BALANCED!!! hahaha
Introduction to Management accounting paper - shitty...worse than MOB..bleh
Global Business Context paper - totally amazing!! hahaha...finished in 10 minutes...i though i was fast...but other ppl finish faster thn

EXAMS ARE OVER!!!! hahaha
that was how excited i was 10 minutes after the exam...
...exams are over....
that was how i felt that
i sat at the table and stared at it...
nothing to do..hahaha
nothing to
i went onlina and chatted with jack...and he was like...
WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!! WEIRDO!! i never knew you were such a
i was like...yeah..i'm weird...
but the only reason why i felt like that was coz for the last routine was..
get up, study, go for exam, study, sleep..
and the cycle repeats
but as you can see...i have now gotten rid of the cycle...and am not oing what i am supposed to be
instead i am online doing useless

the happy news :
i am on holiday for a week!!!!

the sad news :
nobody is free to teman me...sniffs...

lol...anyways...after i found out i got lots of work to do this hols....
i dun feellike studying anymore....i dun wanna do homework!
lol...its boring

oh yeah!!! and i am wondering why the gov makes us take stupid LAN subjects when i did everything and passed everything in SPM =.="
waste of my super duper precious time!!!
stupid classes r gonna take up 8hours every week if i am allowed to do 2 subs at once!!!
sheeshh....i think its supid =.="

oh yeah!!!
Ferrarri still got no points after 2 GP's....sobs
The race today damn sad wei...halfway throug gotta stop coz of the rain.... all the point scorers only got half points...
sad mann....
anyway...i hope ferrarri wins the next race ^^

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