Thursday, April 9, 2009

lol XD

Went to my eldest aunts house to eat popiah today. Homemade :)
Some other relatives were there as well. Haven't seen them in quiet awhile. So, we all sat down to eat and as per usual the question start XD

Where are you studying?
What are you studying?
When did you start?
How do you find it?
Do you have a boyfriend yet?

lol...but, this questions are the normal questions i get. So, i answered all of them.
I was going to start eating when the next part of the conversation happened. lol.
It was very funny. Hilarious. lol.

Someone actually said that i am very guai. lol. and said that i would make a good grand-daughter-in-law and that she should intro me to her grandson. hahaha!! and that immediately drew a remark from someone else that that should not happen because in terms of the family hierarchy, i would be his 'aunt' even though he is a year older than me and doesn't call me that. lol. And then the other lady patted me on the back and gave me a hug and said, it's just too bad that he has to call you 'aunty', if not i would introduce the 2 of you. hahahaha!!

1 comment:

eddyong89 said...

haha..i always got tis kind of problem also in my real funny..hehehe